Taylor J Cacciola
DirectorTaylor Cacciola is one of three co-founders at Namra Consulting Group, a local digital marketing agency specializing in social media management, marketing, advertising, and content creation. Taylor acts as a marketing consultant. Working primarily with New England-based small businesses to help them grow their digital presence to get found more easily for their products and services. Taylor knows that small businesses are the bedrock of the local community and economy. He believes helping small businesses succeed is the most rewarding type of work there is. Taylor has worked with or provided marketing consulting for over 150 small businesses across Rhode Island and Massachusetts over the past 6 years. Many of which have seen massive and consistent growth in their business’s bottom line. Taylor holds two business degrees from The Charlton School of Business at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. One of being a Bachelor of Science – Marketing and the other a Master of Business Administration (MBA). In his spare time, Taylor enjoys playing in a men’s baseball league, fishing, and kayaking. He also hosts a podcast with his two business partners. They cover all topics related to social media and marketing. Taylor Cacciola, MBA | Namra Consulting Group
163 Exchange St, Suite #405 | Pawtucket, RI | 02860
401-255-2220 | Email Taylor